Wednesday, May 26, 2010

And the winner is...


That's right! We are moving to Wyoming! After looking at all of the options, costs, benefits, advantages, and disadvantages, we have decided that Alan is going to the University of Wyoming School of Law! We are moving at the end of June and will be making our trek across country with moving van and two cars!

We are very excited about this next phase in our lives, but also nervous and anxious about what the future holds. I currently do not have a job there, but the cost of attending there is so much less than the schools in the area here (I would actually have to get a second job if he were to stay here) so we will still be better off financially going there versus staying here. If you have any questions, advice, or tips, please feel free to let us know. More so, we would appreciate the fervent prayers of all our friends and family! This is a huge step for us and we couldn't do it without the loving support of all of you!

More about this to come soon...