Saturday, August 22, 2009

Life is Crazy!

Well, the past few weeks have been pretty crazy for us! Alan's last day at Crown was on our anniversary and he started training for his new job that Thursday. He got a call this past Thursday (20th) and he started work yesterday! He likes his new job except that he will have to miss worship on some Sunday mornings. He works 7 AM to 3 PM and tomorrow he has to work. It's going to be pretty weird for me without him with me in the morning. We are just both very thankful that God has provided stable jobs for both of us. I started work last week and I love it! I got to put away scrapbook paper on Tuesday and I worked on jewelry on Thursday! It is so much fun, but it's very tiring. I haven't worked in so long, so an 8-5 day is pretty killer...put 4 of those in a row and that makes for a very tired Kelley!

I'm having my first PC party on Thursday and I am so excited about it! I really hope that I get some bookings off of it.

I know it's goofy to talk about the weather, but it's 66 outside! It feels incredible! I love early fall and the weather changing! I can't wait for the leaves to start changing. Our 'backyard' is basically a forest, so it will hopefully be beautiful in a few weeks!

This summer has been very strange for us. We haven't been on vacation since the marriage retreat and I really miss the mountains. I'm hoping we can get caught up on our bills and start saving and maybe go to the beach again this winter. I'm trying to talk Alan into boycotting Christmas, but not sure if we'll go through with it. I told him that with the money we would save on buying people presents, we could pay for our trip! LOL! Anyways, we have to get enough money just to pay our bills, so for now, that's just a dream.

I'm so proud of myself...I've finally completely caught up on my Bible reading! I was almost a month behind, so it took a little while, but I did it! I'm going to try to start reading some Bible study books that I have. I still haven't read the books that the J'ville elders gave me as a graduation present (they are Cindy Colley books so I'm really excited to read them!). I'm going to start doing some studying on my lunch break at work since we get an hour and it only takes me about 20 minutes to eat. I really enjoy getting to know some of the people that I work with, but there are some that really eat at my nerves...almost like nails on a chalkboard! I just have a problem with people who have no work ethic. Anyways, maybe some people will see me studying and we can strike up a conversation!

Well, I'm getting pretty tired and I need to get a few things done before I go to bed. Nighty night!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that things are stable for you all! I have an idea...boycott thanksgiving and come to Texas!
