Monday, September 7, 2009

What's up with me? that could be a totally loaded question that no one could ever However, last week was pretty "eventful" for me so I feel like expressing my frustrations with my body.

So two weeks ago, I started having a little bit of some allergies...took some nyquil and dayquil for a couple of days...sinus problems gone...or so I thought. Last week, I was trained how to do 'cut counter' at work on Monday. I get to work on Tuesday and find out I'm training everyone else on how to do 'cut counter.' WHAT?!? I just learned how to do this yesterday! Are you kidding?!? Okay, so I seize the opportunity and train everyone who is in the store on Tuesday. All goes well. I get done training everyone and go to fabrics to learn how to drape the fabrics (totally awesome technique, btw, that makes the fabrics look great!). I'm in fabrics for less than five minutes and I start sneezing like crazy! My eyes start watering and I can hardly breathe out my nose! I get home and it continues to worsen. I figure it's just my allergies acting up again and just push through it. Don't really think anything about it at the time, but I wasn't really hungry for dinner so I just munched on a few fries, chips, and have an applesauce. Wake up on Wednesday and feel TERRIBLE, but decide to suck it up and go into work. Realize I'm running incredibly late and don't have time to eat breakfast at home. Thinking I have a pack of crackers in my work bag, I grab my stuff and run out the door. As I'm waiting at the light to turn onto the highway, I realize I don't have crackers after all. Oh well, I'll just grab some food out of the glovebox (I'm in Alan's car and he USED to have a stash of food in the glovebox...USED to being very key here--I emptied it months ago when we realized all of the food in the glovebox was VERY, VERY stale). No biggie, I'll just grab something on our 10:00 break and I'll be fine. I get to work and continue training on 'cut counter' for anyone who wasn't at work on Tuesday. I'm in my first session of training and I start feeling really hot and sweaty. I'm nearly finished with the first group and I think "If I can just make it through this group, I'll tell Sherry I need to take a break." I start feeling light-headed, so I head to the bathroom (one of the few places the a/c actually works) and cool off for a minute. Thinking I'm better, I head back to the cut counter to finish up the group's training session. I start getting even more light-headed, so I call Sherry over. When she finally arrives, I tell her I'm not feeling well and I don't think I can finish this session. As I'm talking to her, things start getting spinny and weird looking. I tell her I'm going to go sit in the breakroom for a few minutes and start walking towards the clock-out computer to thing I know, Sherry is under one of my arms and Julie's under the other and they are dragging me to the breakroom (the only place in the store with chairs). Someone grabs a bran muffin with pb and someone else fixes me a crystal light. I'm shaking like crazy and scared to death. My nerves finally get calmed and I start to feel a little better.

Anyways, all of this happens and people start asking me if I'm pregnant...seriously, the count is at 9 or 10 now! Well, the answer is probably not. I had my period about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I'm bleeding now. I think I might have been pregnant, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not right now. We've also discovered that I'm probably allergic to something in some of the fabrics that we carry in the store.

So what exactly caused me to pass out? Was it not eating breakfast? My naturally low blood pressure? A racing pulse from being on dayquil? The ridiculous heat in the store?
I don't think it was any one particular thing on this list...maybe a combination of all of it?

I am feeling much better now and have not skipped any meals since the incident...not that I really ever skip meals (obviously, lol).

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