Thursday, September 24, 2009

Experiencing God

So I noticed an acquaintance posted a note on facebook earlier this week about his Auburn football experience this past week. I'm not trying to come down on him at all (just in case anyone reading this knows who I'm referring to), I just had an epiphany after reading his note. It didn't really hit me until later on, but I started wondering why people don't experience God the way they experience football.

Some people might disagree that you don't 'experience' God, but I think it all depends on your definition of experience. Just so that we're all on the same page here, I am NOT saying that religion should be based on feelings and emotions. Belief in God and that Christ is our Saviour are simple logical facts that we must accept and understand if we are to experience anything in Him.

So here's the point: I think most people put more feeling and excitement into sports, or food, or hunting, or wherever their passion lies and have no idea how to experience God with the same kind of enthusiasm. Imagine what our worship would be like if we truly believed that Christ was there with us! Imagine the reverence that we would have while partaking of the Lord's Supper if we understood the magnitude of what it truly means!

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with enjoying sports. I love Alabama football and I know more about football than almost all women (and a good bit of men, too!) so this is not my way of bashing sports. I think sports are great because they encourage children to be active and find a healthy way of releasing some of life's frustrations. I just think we have some seriously misplaced priorities as a society. It's just really hard to imagine people getting as excited about worshipping God in the way they get excited about sports.

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