Sunday, November 15, 2009

Just a quick thought

I've been thinking a lot lately about getting my hair cut again (8 inches). I had it cut back in June and donated 8 inches to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. It was a decision that I struggled with because my hair looked beautiful before I cut it (or at least I thought so). I had been growing it out since Alan and I started dating and had said that I was either going to cut it when I got a job (in my field) or when we moved to a new place. Well, the move came first, so I went through with the cut. Mainly, not even because of wanting to cut my hair. What motivated me was a little girl named Meghan Brittain, who fought for so long for her life, and a young man named Chris Turner, who had a short battle with cancer because of the severity of it when they discovered it. Chris was a patient of my mother's and it hurt me so much to see how badly it hurt my mom while he was in the hospital. The morning I was on my way to get it cut, my mom told me about Chris and how she had been crying on her way home from work each morning. That did it for me. I realized how much she had sacrificed for her patients and I knew that cutting my hair was a very small sacrifice in comparison to hers.

I had an appointment to get my hair cut at 3:30 on that day. Meghan died around 3:15, I think, and Chris died a few minutes before 4:00.

Well, another crossroads has hit me. I've been wanting to cut my hair again and it has grown out so quickly that it's almost long enough. And I have a job in my field now and, if I'm going to cut it, I want to before I start, so I've decided I'm going to get it cut the weekend before I start work!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^My hair before the cut ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Me at the salon^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^After the cut^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

1 comment:

  1. So I changed my mind...I'm going to wait and get it cut over Christmas break so that I have time to get used to styling it. I haven't had short hair in a LONG time!
