Thursday, July 23, 2009

Answered Prayers

I finally found a job! It's not anything big, but it's something to help pay the bills. I'm going to be working at Jo-Ann's Fabrics and Crafts. It's a new store opening in September. I'm really excited!

I am so thankful to God for this opportunity. Although I want a job where I am using my degree, I feel like I will do well in this since a lot of my interest and creativity was sparked by many of my classes.

Just wanted to state also, that I know just because you don't get what you ask for, doesn't mean God didn't answer your prayer. I believe there are three answers to prayers: yes, no, and not right now. When I was praying to get the job for the city in Jacksonville, God's answer was 'not right now.' He knew that He would be providing us with greater things. I am so thankful for His divine wisdom. I can't imagine life without His guidance.

I am finally getting more caught up in my Bible reading. I'm reading through in a chronological reading. It's very interesting and it's also helping me to learn the placement of characters better. If you are interested, you can print the schedule here:
It's very interesting to see the divine nature of planning that goes through the Bible.

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